Title:Search Engine Specificiation
Version: 023256c7581a4bed356e47caf8632be2834211bd
Last-Modified:Thu Jan 12 12:29:12 2017 -0800
Author: Richard Choi <>
Status: Deferred
Type:Standards Track


The .btsearch file specifies the structure through which the client can conduct searches on torrent search engines. By publishing a simple .btsearch file, search engines can easily be added to a client's built-in torrent search box.


The .btsearch file is based on a subset of the broader OpenSearch description document, and consists of the following elements.

OpenSearchDescription element

The root node of the .btsearch document:

Parent: None
Requirements: Must appear once as the root node

ShortName element

Contains a short human-readable name for the search engine:

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Requirements: Must appear exactly once

Description element

Contains a human-readable description of the search engine:

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Requirements: Must appear exactly once

Url element

Describes structure through which search requests are made:

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Requirements: Must appear exactly once
Attributes: template - specifies a parameterized template URL for the
search query, in which {searchTerms} is replaced by the URL-encoded
user-supplied query.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Description>Search torrents on</Description>
<Url template="{searchTerms}&category=All"/>